Solve the Problem - 4 How-To Steps

1 - Home & Attic Inspection

Inspect the exterior of the home, including the roof and all vents, to find out how the animals are getting in. Also inspect inside the attic to identify animal and damage.

2 - Remove the Animals

This process is not simple, and it varies considerably based on animal type and situation. You might use an exclusion door, or a cage trap, or removal by hand.

3 - Repair the Entry Holes

The job is not complete until you solve the source of the problem. Seal shut the entry holes, with professional grade repairs, or else the problem will happen again.

4 - Clean the Attic

In addition to repairing chewed electrical wires and damaged duct work, you might want to remove the animal feces, maybe the insulation, and decontaminate.

We have been in business for over a decade now then pride ourselves on providing services that separate us from all the other competition. Not only are we experts at wildlife removal, but also know how to repair many of the damage these animals leave behind. These animals leave urine and feces, chew on wiring, and cause damage to siding and other parts of your home. Not only is our staff able to capture and remove these animals, but we also provide professional grade building repair. We offer this for both commercial and residential homes, letting you know that if you have a problem, we provide full-service. Our building repair services also ensure that these animals don’t get back into your property. We are available 24 hours a day, ensuring that if you have an emergency critter removal problem, we are ready to get to your property and remove this animal. We do so quickly and with great efficiency. There is a reason why we have been rated as the #1 wildlife removal service in the area in each of the last three years. We know how to treat our customers with great respect, do the job, and stand behind our work. There is really no better option. Call today and you will see why we are the ideal service for you